When relationships are new, everything is exciting and you hang off their every word and expressed thought about you.
You miss any red flags because you love all the attention.
Their flowy words make you feel desired.
It may not take long before their true nature begins to rear its ugly head, however, you explain it away and even blame yourself for any negative changes towards you.
You can justify the negative behaviour because you believed their initial over-the-top compliments about you, not recognising the love bombing stage for what it was.
They boast about all their achievements and even their assets. You are taken in by all of it.
When you find out about anything negative they’ve done, you believe their justifications and tell yourself
“Well, no one is perfect.”
As time goes on, the relationship becomes toxic but you remember how exciting the relationship was in the beginning and recall the flowery comments they told you.
You remember the good times and hold onto the fantasy of the potential of the relationship.
This stops you from leaving the toxic relationship because you tell yourself “Things will get better” because things were “better” at the start.
Staying in a relationship because of its potential will not work.
The potential of the relationship is not real. The reality of the relationship is what you are experiencing.
When you see your partner’s toxic behaviour, believe it.
Their toxic behaviour towards you, tells you they do not respect you and the flowery words they used at the beginning of the relationship do not match the toxic behaviour you are currently seeing.
Their toxic behaviour will not permanently revert back to their flowery words or ever.
Stop justifying their toxic behaviour towards you and see them for who they truly are.
Start putting down boundaries by challenging their behaviour.
Decide you are worth more and walk away.
If you can relate to this and would like support, book on the link below for a booking today.