Signs your relationshipmarriage is in trouble

Signs your relationship/marriage is in trouble

🔹 ️You’ve noticed your partner has begun to pull away emotionally and physically.

🔹️ They don’t let their phone out of their sight and may have also changed their passwords on all devices.

🔹 ️They’ve stopped kissing you goodbye in the morning or when they come in the door at the end of their day.

🔹 ️They stop sharing with you about their day and they’re not interested in yours.

🔹 ️They’ve become snappy and critical of you. Can be condescending and contemptuous towards you.

🔹 ️Your needs and or your children’s needs are no longer a priority.
They make excuses to avoid responsibilities and supporting children at school and sporting events.

🔹 ️They say they’re now working longer hours. You begin to feel like a single parent because shared family and home responsibilities now falls totally on you.

🔹 ️They’ve stopped telling you what they spend their money on but may want you to report your spending habits.

🔹 ️They become defensive when you try to pin them down to join you in a social event or even just for meal times.

If you are recognising any of these in your relationship and would like your relationship back or support going through this, please click on the link below.

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