Should You Stay In A Relationship Because Of Their Potential

Should you stay in a relationship because of their potential?

Staying in a relationship because of a person’s potential is a big mistake that many people make.

This could be for many reasons.

1. You’re an empath and can reason away you’re partner’s behaviour, after all, they do make you laugh!

2. You don’t know what genuine love feels like and you don’t want to be alone.

3. You’ve been together so long now that you just accept it.

4. You feel sorry for them because they suffer from depression and after all, no one is perfect!

5. You’ve learnt to read the signs of their body language and tone of voice when they’ve had a bad day at work so you just stay out of the way to give them their space.

But what about your happiness and boundaries?

Are you being respected or are you called derogatory names and constantly sworn at?

Does your partner blame your reaction to their abuse towards you?

Are you constantly accused of speaking to the opposite sex because of their insecurities?

You know you don’t like the way you are treated but the abuse escalates when you try to put down boundaries.

Do you wonder if you would be happier alone and you imagine what that would be like?

If this resonates with you and you would like to support moving forward please click on the link below for a booking today.

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