As parents, it is easy to lose your cool with your kids. You’ve had a bad day at work and your tolerance is low.
You have asked the kids to get ready for dinner over and over again and they won’t stop what they’re doing.
So what is the first go-to for a lot of parents? They yell to be heard.
The problem with this is the louder you yell, and the more often you yell the kids will:
Tune you out.
Learn to deal with issues in anger.
Will become aggressive in their interactions with their peers at school and their family at home.
Will become insecure.
Will become nervous and anxious.
May also regress to wetting their bed or their pants even at 5 years old.
Will learn to fear the parent yelling at them.
As they get older they will lose respect for the yelling parent.
Will believe they can’t do anything right.
Will feel unloved.
If you know your tolerance is low around your children, walk away to another room until you have calmed down.
When you are ready, speak to the kids in a gentle tone. Let them know in 5 minutes dinner will be ready and they need to stop what they’re doing then.
If they are still ignoring you, e.g. if they won’t get off the Play Station before dinner, go up to the TV and turn it off. You will be met with resistance.
When you yell to get what you want, the kids learn to do the same.
They also learn that you will repeat yourself so they don’t need to stop doing what they’re doing immediately.
If you give the kids a time limit like
5 mins or 10 mins you can put a timer on for them so they know when their time is up.
It is important the children grow up in a peaceful household and it reduces the stress for the parents long term if the parents put boundaries down around dinner, bath time, bedtime, and when they are school age, getting up for school, getting themselves ready, and when they’re older, getting their own breakfast.
Training children when they’re young helps the household to run smoothly and teaches kids to have respect for their parents.
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