Why does a lack of emotional connection continually come up as a major factor in failing relationships?
Emotional connection is as important in a relationship as glue and grout are to binding tiles to a wall. Without the glue and grout, the tiles will fall off the wall and smash.
Without an emotional connection in a relationship, the relationship will break down and fail.
So what does an emotional connection look like?
It includes the following.
Hand holding at home, in the car, walking out and about, in the shopping centre, affection, having fun and being silly together, cuddling, cuddling on the lounge, in bed, on a park bench, kissing, kind words and affectionate names, love messages, little gifts, date nights, being considerate, patient, forgiving, encouraging, listening, supportive, being your partner’s no1 cheerleader, always having their back. Being romantic with your partner. Helping around the house and not leaving everything for your partner to do. Being reliable and trustworthy.
All of the above contribute to building up the relationship. Many couples practice attitudes and behaviours as well as neglecting the relationship that tears down the relationship which can be seen in the tone of voice and body language as well as the words they use to each other.
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