Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence comes in many forms and can be missed as domestic violence by the victim, especially if the abuser has chronic mental health issues due to childhood trauma and or addictions.

Narcissists need empaths to draw from emotionally.

Empaths are more likely to have poor boundaries, can be people pleasers, and will make excuses for their abuser’s behaviour over and over again while ignoring their own safety, and mental health care.

Rather than leaving, the victim will learn to read the abuser’s body language and tone of voice while also taking into account the stress of the day for their abuser so they know to stay out of the way or what to say and not say so not to cause the abuser to explode.

Victims will remind themselves of the “good times”, “romantic times” and the “fun times” to justify staying with the abuser.

The abuser will blame the victim for their words, name-calling, yelling, throwing things across the room or at the victim, punching holes in the wall and the physical abuse. The victim will blame themselves and try to change their own behaviour in the hope it will “fix” the abuser, after all, the victim is constantly told they are the problem.

The abuser will transfer their own behaviour onto the victim calling them Narcissists, manipulative and gaslighting.

If the victim believes their abuser because of low self-worth, they take on all the blame for the abuse and therefore they don’t recognise their relationship is in fact domestic violence.

The victim will have great empathy for their abuser, making them trauma-bonded to the relationship.

If you can see yourself in the above and would like support, please click on the link below for a booking today.

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