Do you make time for your partner

Do you make time for your partner?

Do you make time for each other as a couple or do you fill up every hour of every day to avoid each other?

Relationships do not just happen.

One or two busy people will give the relationship an expiry date long-term.

Maybe both people have to work long hours or maybe one or both do shift work. Is there time set aside for the relationship to connect such as asking each other about their day or connecting emotionally and physically?

Is there one day set aside a week for a date night, dining out or going to the movies during the day?

Is there also at least a weekend set aside to go away together?

Each of these mentioned helps the couple to reset. In other words to recharge the relationship battery.

As a couple, it is important not to take each other for granted. Don’t assume the other person will always be there.

It is important as a couple not to punish your partner by deliberately filling up your hours with activities to avoid each other.

Look at the reasons you are avoiding each other. Is it from unresolved issues or years of not feeling heard and feeling shut down or dismissed?

It might be time to talk about these issues with a professional.

If you are serious about reconnecting and resetting as a couple, put the fun back into the relationship by making time to do things together you enjoy like walking along the beach or going to a cafe.

If you are needing support as a couple, and want to reconnect, click on the link below for a booking today and learn new skills in communication.

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