Communication in Relationships

Communication in Relationships

Do you know how to communicate with your partner?

We take communication for granted.

Isn’t communication just talking?

How many ways are there to say something anyway?

A relationship without communication is a dead relationship. Couples must communicate every day but it’s how they communicate that’s important.

Some people are tone of voice sensitive, some are word sensitive while others are body language sensitive.

A person can have 2 or 3 of these at once and whichever a person is, will affect how a person hears their partner’s message which will affect them emotionally and determine if your message is received positively, causing your partner to be reactive or shut down.

Each person needs to find out how each of your needs to be communicated.

If your partner is word sensitive, you would need to be mindful of your delivery.

If your partner was the tone of voice sensitive, you would need to be mindful of your tone of voice.

If your partner was body language sensitive, you would need to be mindful that you were not communicating in a negative or angry manner.

The way to reach your partner’s heart is to communicate in a way they will hear and also feel heard.

Remember, when trying to communicate with your partner, what is important is your partner’s heart, not just your message.

When you learn to communicate in a way your partner needs to feel heard and valued, it will draw you both together emotionally and physically.

If you would like further skills in communication in your relationship, please click on the link for a booking today.

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