Blending Families

Blending Families

You meet someone you’re attracted to.

You begin to date. Now comes the time you both disclose you have children and you want to make this work.

After a while, the children are slowly introduced to their new prospective families.

Everyone looks like they’re going to connect and you eventually make the decision to move in together, children included.

The cracks begin to show and your partner’s kids refuse to do what you ask.

You’re used to keeping a tidy house and your partner and their children are used to a more relaxed atmosphere.

The smallest things begin to get on your nerves and you’ve noticed you’re reacting more and more to little things like dishes left on the counter, a cup left in the loungeroom, wet towels and dirty clothes on the bathroom floor, beds left unmade, dirty and clean clothes are together on the bedroom floor.

Because your partner’s kids are not made to clean up after themselves, your kids also decide to do the same.

You realise things have to change if this is going to work.

So how do you blend the two families together and live in peace?

Pick your battles.

Not everything has to be a do-or-die situation.

Talk to your partner about the things that annoy you without criticising your partner and their children.

Both you and your partner can decide to meet with the kids once a week and everyone gets to talk about what is working well in the home and why and what isn’t working in the home and why not.

Boundaries need to be laid down for a family meeting to work.

Only one person speaks at a time while everyone else listens to the speaker and their perspective.

This is an opportunity for everyone to feel heard and respected.

Often when two families are not blending it is because boundaries are not respected and consideration is missing towards others.

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