Do you remember the things that attracted you to your partner in the beginning? The things you thought were charming aren’t so charming any more. Now they’re the very things that annoy you.
Maybe your spontaneous partner doesn’t stick to plans. You might find it hard now to nail them down to date nights but when you were dating, you were the one who they made a priority and now you’ve been together for years you’re taken for granted.
When you were dating you saw your partner as organised. They wrote everything in their diary so no appointment or date night was missed. They didn’t allow for things to get in the way and kept every booking with you, however as the years have gone on, you feel controlled by your partner because they don’t allow for flexibility and sometimes life gets in the way of your plans and plans have to be changed.
These changed perspectives of your partner can create negative perceptions of your relationship and create distance between two people. It can create criticism, resentment and contempt and stop two people from enjoying each other and having fun together. The passion disappears and two people can feel like flatmates. Every day you’re just existing in the same house.
It’s time to change your perspective of your partner and begin to accept your partner’s differences. I can help you both see each other in a positive light.