Would you recognise gaslighting in your relationship if it was happening to you?
What are the different types of gaslighting?
1. Deceipt: Lying about what you have said, where they’ve been, what they did to you and denying details.
2. Accusations: Accusing you of being too sensitive when reacting to their behaviour towards you. Accusing you of attacking them because you are standing up to them.
3. Twisting your words to knock you off balance: When trying to explain your feelings and your words are turned against you.
4. Telling you how you feel or think: They make you second guess your own feelings and thoughts and even details of what they’ve done to you.
5. Isolation: They isolate you by telling you your family and friends agree with them concerning your mental health and memory of events.
6. Blame: Blaming you for their abuse towards you. If you hadn’t left this plate out or if you hadn’t pushed their buttons, they wouldn’t have said what they said, thrown your phone, punched a wall, sworn at you, slammed a door or punched you. This is also coercive abuse and you need to recognise it as domestic violence.
The goal of gaslighting is to manipulate and control you.
The result is you are left second guessing what you know is reality, how you feel and your memory of events.
It leaves you apologising for things that are not your fault but you are made to feel responsible.
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