Are you feeling dismissed in your relationship

Are you feeling dismissed?

Do your feelings get shut down when you try to talk to your partner about your feelings?

Do you get told what you’re worried about isn’t a big deal?

Does your partner tell you because they don’t feel the same way, what concerns you isn’t important?

What these negative responses do in a relationship is tear it down.

These responses leave the other person feeling not valued, heard, supported or loved.

What is needed in each of these are responses such as

“Honey, that sounds really tough.”


“Whatever you need, I’m here to support you. I love you honey.”


“I’m sorry you’re going through this.

How can I support you?”

When you support your partner in this way you create a safe place to build trust, vulnerability, friendship, and emotional and physical connection.

If you would like to change the way you both communicate click on the link below for a booking today.

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