Do you really know how to love your partner

Do you really know how to love your partner?

This may sound like a strange question to ask, however, if your parents did not model unconditional love, acceptance, forgiveness, consideration, compromise, or affection during your childhood/adolescence, you may not know how to have a healthy relationship.

When couples form relationships, there is often no thought given to how they are going to show their love for each other. Before long, they are taking each other for granted and the romance disappears.

Relationships are hard work whether we want to admit it or not and they take work every day.

So how do you show your partner you love them?

Below are some examples.

  • Listening.
  • Validating.
  • Kindness.
  • Consideration.
  • Compromise.
  • Patience.
  • Putting your partner first.
  • Unconditional love and acceptance.
  • Honesty and transparency.
  • Supporting their goals and dreams.
  • Emotional and physical affection.
  • Words of affirmation.
  • Respect.
  • Encouragement.
  • Positive pet names.
  • Speaking to your partner gently.
  • Love messages via text or little notes around the house.
  • Surprising them with little gifts if gifts are their love language.
  • Affection first thing in the morning and last thing at night.
  • Being their number 1 cheerleader.
  • Building them up.
  • Regular date nights.

When these things are regularly in a relationship, it builds a strong, trusting and affectionate relationship.

If you would like more support in this area, click on the link below for a booking today.

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