How to make your partner feel emotionally safe in the relationship

How to make your partner feel emotionally safe in the relationship?

When your partner feels emotionally safe, this creates a close bond in the relationship.

Without an emotional connection, there is no physical intimacy either including affection.

So how do you create an emotionally safe relationship?

Don’t criticise your partner for having different views or ideas to you.

Listen to your partner without being distracted or dismissive.

When your partner is having a bad day validate their feelings. Don’t be solution focused. Listen. Listen. Listen.

This means to engage and empathise.

When you say you will do something follow through. One of the biggest ways to smash your partner’s heart is to push aside what your partner has asked you to do. Being too busy for your partner is a sure way to give your relationship an expiry date.

Be considerate. Do things for your partner they won’t be expecting.

Send that love text. Bring home their favourite treat. Compliment the way they look. Do a chore that is normally theirs to do.

Never put your partner under the bus if they’re with you or behind their back. Always be their no1 cheer leader.

Take an interest in your partner’s interests. Ask questions. Research it. Ask if you could do it with them.

Talk to your partner about their goals and dreams.

Arrange regular date nights. Let your partner know they’re a priority to you.

You don’t have to be right in conflict.

Your partner doesn’t have to agree with you. Talking louder than your partner doesn’t make you heard.

Be quick to forgive and reconnect.

No one wins when grudges are held.

Considering your partner in all things will strengthen your relationship and pull your partner towards you emotionally and physically because they will feel emotionally safe.

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