Relationship Boundaries

Relationship Boundaries

Boundaries tell other people what we are willing to accept and not accept in our relationships.

You can tell if there is respect in the relationship if a person accepts your boundaries without throwing a tantrum.

A person with healthy Boundaries does not make another person responsible for their behaviour but accepts responsibility for their own actions.

Some examples of someone with poor Boundaries are:

  • “You made me hit you when you said this!!”
  • “You always push my buttons!!”
  • “You made me punch the door because you said this!!”
  • “I’m miserable because of you!!”

Healthy Boundaries include not allowing people to take advantage of you.

You dont have to rescue people from their problems.

You can walk away from conflict.

You don’t get involved in issues that do not involve you.

A person with low selfworth will drop their Boundaries to please others. They care about the opinions of others.

They say yes to everyone to their own detriment. Essentially, they’re people pleasers.

People who blame others for their downfall do so in the hope someone will rescue them.

These types of people fail to get their needs met.

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