Do you leave a conversation not feeling heard_

Do you leave a conversation not feeling heard?

Everyone needs to feel heard.

This takes listening to the other person.

What listening isn’t?

Flipping the topic around so the other person becomes the problem.

You’re told you’re too sensitive.

Your partner ignores your feelings and tells you how you make them feel.

Your partner storms off because you want to talk about a sensitive topic.

Your partner repeatedly apologises for the same repeated behaviour.

When one person repeatedly does not feel heard they stop approaching their partner with issues because they don’t feel emotionally safe to be transparent or vulnerable.

This causes an emotional disconnection and will affect their physical intimacy.

Not feeling heard creates resentment and criticism towards the other person.

Deflecting blocks empathy and cultivates resistance.

Not feeling heard creates anger and frustration.

Listening and validation takes courage and comes out of love and support for the other person. They don’t like seeing their partner in pain.

Couples who work at listening to each other will have a strong connection because they validate the other person’s feelings.

Each person walks away feeling heard and they check in with their partner to make sure they are feeling secure within the relationship.

In this type of relationship, each person feels valued and secure knowing their partner has their back.

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